Friday, February 25, 2011

Variety crochet jewelry

I start to make jewelry only for me and now not only for me. Here is some of them.


 Butterflies are deep and powerful representations of life.
Many cultures associate the butterfly with our souls.
The Christian religion sees the butterfly as a symbol of resurrection.
Around the world, people view the butterfly as representing endurance, change, hope, and life.
In Greek myth, Psyche (which literally translates to mean "soul")
is represented in the form of a butterfly.
 Befittingly, Psyche is forever linked with love as she and Eros
(the Greek god of love, also known in Roman myth as Cupid) shared an endlessly passionate bond together - both hopelessly in love with the other.  
Greece doesn't corner the market on associating the butterfly with the soul.
Christianity considers the butterfly as a symbol for the soul.
 To wit, the butterfly is depicted on ancient Christian tombs,
as Christ has been illustrated holding a butterfly in Christian art.
It's connection with the soul is rather fitting. We are all on a long journey of the soul.
 On this journey we encounter endless turns, shifts, and conditions
that cause us to morph into ever-finer beings.
 At our soul-journey's end we are inevitably changed -
not at all the same as when we started on the path. 
To take this analogy a step further, we can look again to the grace
and eloquence of the butterfly and realize that our journey is our only guarantee.
 Our responsibility to make our way in faith, accept the change that comes,
and emerge from our transitions as brilliantly as the butterfly.

 While strawberries are a familiar fruit, there are a number of possible meanings attributed to them. The Seneca, an indigenous North American tribe, suggest that the strawberry represents rebirth
since they are the first to ripen in spring.
Seneca beliefs also suggest that strawberries represent good health.
In the Catholic tradition, strawberries represent the good fruits of the righteous man.
Within some Pagan traditions, the strawberry represents friendship and love, particularly in celebrations with food, as as such is often associated with the Goddess Venus.
 American humorist Mark Twain, in one of his novels, had a character colorfully refer to the watermelon as "chief of this world's luxuries, king by the grace of God over all the fruits of the earth. When one has tasted it, he knows what the angels eat. It was not a Southern watermelon that Eve took; we know it because she repented."
  Music is loved and appreciated by most people and inspires many emotions.
Musical symbols are the marks and symbols, used since about the 13th century in the musical notation of musical scores, styles, and instruments to describe pitch, rhythm, tempo and, to some degree, its articulation (a composition in its fundamentals).
Nowadays, we are using musical notes many ways . 
The carnation’s scientific name, Dianthus, comes from a combination of two Latin words: “dios,” meaning gods, and “anthos,” meaning flower.
Carnations are referred to as the flowers of the gods.
There are two schools of thought about how this flower earned the common name of carnation.
Some believe the name came from the ancient Romans who wore carnations in garlands.
They claim the name comes from “corone,” the Roman word for flower,
or reflects an alternate pronunciation for the word “coronation” 
because they were often worn as crowns in religious ceremonies.
Others believe the carnation earned its name from the Latin word caro,” meaning flesh,
as this was the color of the first carnations.
It is also thought to be derived from the Latin word “incarnation,
meaning the incarnation of God in the flesh.
Carnations are appropriate for nearly any occasion, as they are a symbol of both love and distinction. Carnation in the school colors are often presented to graduates
or recipients of academic and sports awards.
Pink carnations are popular for Mother’s Day while the green carnation is prized on St. Patrick’s Day.
Commonly called “pinks” or “carnations”, dianthus means “divine flower” in Greek .

Stars are often used to symbolize heavenly bodies, purity and good luck.
bIn dreams, a shooting star is a sign of self-fulfillment and advancement in life.

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