Thursday, August 18, 2011

Happy B-day, my dear friend!

Once upon a time, there was a French botanist by the name of Pierre Magnol (1638 – 1715).
He helped scientists determine that plants came in families and not just species.
Guess who magnolias are named after?
The Chinese began naming magnolias long before the 1600s.
What taxonomists and botanists call Magnolia officialis since the 1600s,
the Chinese have been calling hou po.
There seem to be as many symbol interpretations about magnolias as there are people who love magnolias:
  • In Victorian times, sending flowers was a discreet way of lovers sending messages to each other. Magnolias symbolized dignity and nobility.
  • In ancient China, magnolias were thought to be the perfect symbols of womanly beauty and gentleness.
  • In the American South, white magnolias are commonly seen in bridal bouquets because the flowers are thought to reflect and emphasize the bride’s purity and nobility.
For more information:
Card made by this tutorial, flower made by me on my friend B-day. 

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